《火箭猴子rocket monkeys》是一部加拿大喜剧冒险儿童动画片,于2021年播出。系列讲述的是一对名为格斯(gus)和沃利(wally)的猴子乘坐火箭展开的奇异宇宙旅行的故事。故事剧情紧凑,笑点不断,两位主人公有点强迫症的格斯和自由主义者沃利将会成为全世界观众的宠儿。
名称:火箭猴子 第一二季
英文:rocket monkeys season 1 2
- s01e01.e02 am not a banana! scare-larious — inspection day tail fail
- s01e03.e04 bro to bro trick or trixie — my dad-bot the doom-bot monkey mitts
- s01e05.e06 not lord peel once upon a monkey — love on the run monkey hearts
- s01e07.e08 tail of the unexpected golden nugglets — zombie bananas i’m yay-ok you’re not yay-ok
- s01e09.e10 when garbage revolts monkeys vs. gorillas — b.a.l.l. ukulele wally
- s01e11.e12 princess nefarious home on the strange — space out! monkey see, monkey do better
- s01e13.s02e01 bro or joel there’s no business like monkey business — the peel who stole christmas ships, trips and worm holes
- s02e02.e03 banana ghosts one and a half friends — robot plague may the best monkey win
- s02e04.e05 the chimpsky dimension license to monkey around — my bully bot switch day
- s02e06.e07 flearoy the inventor — planet party spacey cake
- s02e08.e09 welcome to the inky mart eggs and breakin — robo butler teeny weeny pinky winky
- s02e10.e11 squidsgiving rocket mommy — big bro rules monkey too young
- s02e12.e13 sidekicked wedding smashers — happy gus day monkey proof